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REST client error handling - 503 Error

The HTTP 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is temporarily not ready to handle the request.

File Access Denied in a Cluster with Load Balancing

Load balancing is a process that routes network traffic to a group of backend servers, also known as a server pool. A load balancer is responsible for distributing incoming requests...

German vocabulary for Software Engineers

A helpful vocabulary with the most common words when working as a software developer in Germany.

Domain-Driven Design - How to establish an effective ubiquitous language

A Domain is an area of knowledge associated with a problem we are trying to solve.

Understanding OOP concepts

Understanding OOP concepts gives you a solid foundation for making critical decisions about object-oriented software design.

Resolving SSL handshake failure in Java applications

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) enables a secured connection between a client and a server. SSL Handshake is a set of steps that make it possible for this secured connection...