| recommended

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Learn how to be a better programmer by following these coding best practices. Learn how to write good code and how to refactor bad code into good code.

4,642 ratings

How to design data-intensive applications that help you build more reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems.

3,323 ratings

This toy is MAGIC. Once you open the box, you never will see your children bored. They engage immediately with every game included.

29 ratings

Be a pragmatic programmer, analyze the relative importance of all the factors affecting your project, and use your experience to produce appropriate software solutions.

2,151 ratings

Learn how to use Python for data analytics, machine learning, and design.

168 ratings

When Software design principles are applied correctly, your software infrastructure will be able to tolerate changes, it will be easier to understand, and it will be focused on reusable components.

2 ratings

Become an expert in creating a microservices architecture, where your application will be a collection of small, independent, loosely coupled services..

288 ratings

Improve your Programming Problem-solving skills by learning data structures and algorithms and be ready to negotiate your next salary.

16 ratings