About me
I was born in Lima, Peru, where I studied for 5 years and obtained a degree in System Engineering. I have been working 20 years as a Software Engineer for several companies from different economic sectors such as Government, Financial, Industrial, Educative, Consulting, Retail, and Research.
A little more...
I have been programming in several languages such as Java, C, Cobol, C#, Visual Basic, PHP, Prolog, Python, PL/SQL and JScript. My tasks have been related to Software Development, stages of Analysis, Design, Testing, and Deployment in On-premise and Cloud computing environments.
During 8 years, I worked as a System Analyst for the Bank Sector. Since 2014, I am working as a Software Engineer in a B2B company in Berlin, Germany.
This is my blog site to share my knowledge and experience in everyday situations that we, as developers, face daily. At the moment, I am passionate about the following things:
- Clean Code
- Spring Framework
- RESTful Web Services
- Automated testing
- Software Design
- Software Architecture
- Distributed Systems
- Data Structure and Algorithms
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Cloud Computing
- Learning new technologies
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Understand the basics of common data structures and algorithms and apply them to real questions.

Software design principles are guidelines that will help you make your system design resilient to future changes.

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